Every business, every SME, has a social responsibility. Noesen is quite intent on fulfilling this role.
Within the business, people take centre stage. Respect and safety in a pleasant working environment are paramount. However, a correct and steadfast relationship with its customers, suppliers and all other actors around the business are equally in Noesen’s DNA.
But we also take a wider perspective and try to contribute to the welfare of our social environment.
Noesen and Antwerp have had a close relationship for more than a century. From that anchor point, the company is keen to make a contribution to the general welfare of the city.
We regularly support various local initiatives and groups. These can be charities, but also cultural organisations and sports clubs.
Many people are not aware that our product, steel, is 100 percent recyclable.
But besides the product itself, Noesen Steel strives to limit its ecological footprint as much as possible. This policy extends to, for instance, peripheral purchases, logistics, transport and waste processing.
For decades now, the company has a special relationship with the Royal Academy of Fine Arts – and more specifically with the welded sculpture department.
Steel is also Art. Witness thereto are the many brilliant works that are on permanent display in our company.
Technical schools are welcome at Noesen if they need advice, documentation and test material.
Teachers and students of art academies are also welcome.